The Writer

Tracy Annabelle

At the age of 13, I started a blog shop hosting the ever-so-popular sprees for people in Singapore.

My role? Specializing as a middleman to bring fashion/ IT Gadgets or other misc items from famous sites including eBay, Boutique online brands, Taobao, Rakuten, Mbook, Amazon, Yahoo Auction and Abercrombie and Fitch to people like you.

Having many contacts in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, 
U.S, U.K, Canada, Hong Kong, Korea and China... procuring goods from international sources was all made possible.

It was a great pleasure to be able to purchase things for people and delivering them to their home. It was really a great experience for me as a student struggling to earn some pocket monies. Charging high handling fees and adding hidden costs in the exchange rate is a big NO for me. Being transparent in handling rates to provide cost-savings to all is vital. 
The money earned is not a lot but it's the passion that has kept me going. 

Am extremely thankful to all those spree-ers who have supported me during my school years.

Fast track, I joined the banking industry post-graduation and have since halted my blog shop as I do not have the time to maintain it. With a more stable income, I indulge in food and travel while saving the monies at the same time. I love sharing honest food reviews. The idea of food improving in taste, texture and appearance after a returned visit is the key to everlasting culinary greatness. 

In 2019, I decided to start this blog in hopes of sharing all the beautiful destinations and awesome places I have travelled in the name of food, sightseeing and relaxation. I hope you will enjoy these places like I really do.

I am more active in my Instagram than on my blog. In my blog, I tend to post those places which I think are really worth going. After all, we have limited stomach space and money to spend on things or places that are not worth visiting or going. 

Warmest Regards, 
Tracy Annabelle đŸ“§ E-mail
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