How to Mine Shiba Inu (SHIB) with your Computer easily like A-B-C with step by step guidance.

How to Mine Shiba Inu (SHIB) with your Computer easily like A-B-C with step by step guidance. 

I know there are professional experts out there in mining. But they are well-equipped with more complex operations or high-end CPU setup which most of us may not have the privilege to. But this does not mean we can't mine crypto at all right? We could also get a slice of pizza which is way better than getting nothing :) 

Just like playing Diablo, Mobile Legend Bang Bang, or even Maple Story, you need to farm to get game coins.

Here, you can use your CPU/ laptop to farm/mine for coins in the long term which could translate to real fiat money when you sell the crypto.

Of course, during your initial farming phase, you will feel like the reward is small or making losses due to consideration of electricity costs, but if you believe cryptocurrency is here to stay, then farming it now than later is of course a wiser choice. You would have accumulated many coins as days goes by. And you never know, maybe the coin you mined that is worth 0.00001 cents could now be worth 0.01 cents or even a dollar. Who knows? 

Previously there were miners of BTC in early 2000s, they ain't earnig much but can you imagine one coin they mined is now worth $50,000++ USD in the past?

The fact is no one knows. No one can predict the stock market rise or fall accurately 100% of the time. The same thing applies to cryptocurrency. 

This guide here aims to help you mine Shiba Inu the simple way.

If I can do it, why not you? It is really not that complex. So here goes, do every single step correctly and you would have no problem. I am more than happy to share this mining experience with everybody.

Once you are more familiar with mining and want to farm even more effectively, you may consider getting good graphic cards and a CPU with high processing power. You also need a  good cooling system to make sure your PC does not overheat from continuous mining. 

Good luck! :) 

STEP 1: Get an E-Wallet Using Metamask --> Then connect the Wallet to a Network.

I recommend installing Metamask as a Chrome extension, you can get it at

Click on "add extension" on the right hand side. 
Then create an account to set-up a wallet at Metamask. If you already have a wallet set-up with Metamask. You are just left with connecting the wallet to Binance Smart Chain Network. (See Now, Let's Connect the MetaMask Wallet to a Binance Smart Chain Network Below)

If you are new to Metamask then you need to create a wallet by registering for an account with Metamask. 

 Metamask will give you a secret key phase when you register for an account. It is like a key to your wallet! 
Remember to save your secret key phrase somewhere IMMEDIATELY (screenshot save it in a hard disk password protect it even, write it somewhere and store it somewhere you will definitely remember etc) and NEVER SHARE it with any strangers / even friends. Even customer service/support staff will NEVER ask for your key phrase.

The Secret key phrase is basically a string of words in chronicle order.

Example: John Apple Chicken Wonderful Late Hello 
Your Key phrase could be structured this way: Wonderful Apple John Hello Late <-- Remember the structure and the words.

Without this secret key phrase, your funds can’t be recovered if your device is damaged or lost.

Now, Let's Connect the MetaMask Wallet to a Binance Smart Chain Network .

Click on your profile icon on the right side, and click on settings. 

Thereafter, click on Networks and then select "Add Network" 

They will ask you to key the network information to link to.

I am using Binance Smart Chain cause I have been using it for some time and I like their network.  

Key in the details as per below and click save: 
Network Name: Smart Chain
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL:

With this step, you just linked your Metamask to a network called the Binance Smart Chain Network.

Cryptocurrency networks make use of a highly-sophisticated encryption type called cryptography in securing and verifying transactions. Similar to how people these days wire money through networks like SWIFT.  But Binance Smart Chain is like a network on its own to transfer, simply said, cryptocurrencies :).

Now, you have connected the MetaMask Wallet to a Binance Smart Chain Network.

If you are still stuck at connecting Meta Mask Wallet to Binance Smart Chain Network stage, you can refer to the link below on how to link Binance Smart Chain to Metamask: Binance Academy.

Next step, you need to copy your MetaMask Wallet address to the mining address to receive the coins you mined. 
First, ensure you select the network name smart chain at the top right (Yes, recall previously we name it Smart Chain). 

Thereafter, copy the address which is highlighted in Yellow. 

Reason being, every time you mine for coins, by pasting the address inside step 2, the coins you mine will automatically go to your wallet once you request to payout in unmineable website. 

Continue reading. 

STEP 2: Download XMRIg from git hub 

Identify your computer's OS (Operating system) and download and install the XMRIG file. 

Note: Such mining applications are naturally classified as Virus so some PC may reject this application given the defense mechanism set-up in different PC. Since the application link is direct from github. It is safe. Just set an exclusion in your antivirus.

Tip: My chrome blocked it, so I used Internet explorer (did not ON recommended settings for security and privacy to download it) 

Once you download the latest version, you have to unzip the folder and extract them in any folder you like. Just don't delete them. 

you would have to edit a file named "pool_mine_example.cmd".
Just right-click on the yellow highlighted file, select edit.  A notepad will open up. 

Inside this file, you need to modify the bottom yellow highlighted lines.

The top highlighted yellow line is just guidance to you on how the format should be structured.  

The general structure of the code is to be changed to:
exe -o [Server location] -u [COIN]:[Wallet address].[workerID]#[Code to lower mining fee]

So basically, you just overwrite those words I highlighted in the bottom image above.

Now, let's start working on the code to edit. See below wordings and take note of words i highlighted in another font color. The final  outcome should be like this when you edit and save over the file. 

cd %~dp0
xmrig.exe -o -u SHIB:0x96exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.UrdisplayID#fnd6-478x -p x

As you can see from above, if we break down the message, I am using Asia Pool Server location. After I indicate the Asia Pool, after the -u I indicate the coin I want to mine (in this case is SHIB). If you want to mine other coins you can indicate other coins like replacing the word SHIB to BTC or Pancake is CAKE. 

After the SHIB insert a ":" then followed by your metamask address which you copied earlier do you recall? Then after that indicate a "." followed by your display ID. This is a personal ID you want to create for yourself so you will be able to track under this username how many coins you have mined later using a website(unmineable). 
After you create a random userid, insert a "#" and add in my referral code fnd6-478x it will help u save 0.25% on mining fees! The outcome of the code will basically be like this. i.e. You get to mine even more! 

Basically the outcome should look like this. 
cd %~dp0
xmrig.exe -o -u SHIB:0x96exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.UrdisplayID#fnd6-478x -p x

Just to clarify, the first server location which is in red text, you can replace with the ones below.
Select the one closest to your location and paste over the code. I took the asia one since i am based in Asia. 


Then, after the -u ,Put the coin in caps you want to mint. SHIB. Thereafter you add":". After this, copy and paste your metamask address which i covered earlier. then add a "." after the address and indicate your display ID eg. Miner01 followed by an #fnd6-478x.  Thereafter, the -p x pause should remain and not be removed. 

Once you finish editing. Save the file. 
Example of outcome
cd %~dp0
xmrig.exe -o -u SHIB:0x96exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.UrdisplayID#fnd6-478x -p x

After you save the file. right-click pool_mine_example and run the file as administrator. You will start mining already when you see the below black box script running on its own.


Step 3: Log into Unmineable to check your stats after 15 minutes. is a mining Pool that allows you to mine with your CPU using RandomX and pay you in any coin you select to mine.

Remember your Metamask Address?  Key in the address and click search, It will show you after 15 minutes how many coins has been mined.

Select the Tab that reads RandomX and enter your address in the box that reads "Enter your address to check your stats. Double-check and make sure the network is reflected as BEP20 as we are mining and using this BSC network aka BEP20 in our wallet. 

You willl be able to request a payment once you hit 250,000 SHIB coins. Click on payout now and it will pay to your metamask wallet once quota is reached. 

Congrats! Miner, welcome to the mining community. Happy Mining! 

All the best to your future endeavors ! Miner  *Salute* from a Shiba Fan

Feel free to join the Reddit Chat of Shiba Army as well.

There are some toxic Redditers which I do ignore sometimes but overall it helps with keeping you abreast of new developments on SHIBA Coins rather than reading the news. And the SHIB Army peeps are overall nice and helpful :) 

Note: SHIB coins are actually not mineable. But unmineable platforms allow this to happen by real-time convergence of other coins to SHIBA. Read up to understand more. 

Feel free to read up unmineable FAQ as well.

Any recommended crypto platforms to introduce? 
I am currently using and I love their interface and technology =D
Though their customer service response can be better. That's the only cons. 
FYI, this is a non-sponsored post at all. I don't do sponsored posts. Just a true and honest review from personal experience. 

If you want to support me, feel free to send my referral link around.
Use my referral link to sign up for and we both get $25 USD :)

Also, has  a crypto earn platform which allows you to get 12% returns if you deposit USDT. Wow! 12% per annum is way higher than what banks fixed deposits can offer. And the crypto earn is just simply like a fixed deposit account just that you deposit it inside 

Just a word of caution: Cryptocurrency is a very volatile asset and largely unregulated at the moment. Only invest the amount you are ready to lose. 

Another tip: Please choose the correct network when you want to transfer coins to a different wallet address (The wallet address may be a cryptocurrency exchange wallet  address/e-wallet address like Ronin or Metamask).

There are many different networks out there (ERC- ethereum)/  BSC (Binance smart chain). 

For eg I used to wire Shiba coins from using BSC network to (attracted by the low gas fees). Atlas, no such thing as cheap things don't come with a price. told me that the coin is not received in my e-wallet as they only support ERC network. that happened in early 2021.

So what does this means? It means in layman terms for eg. you just sent an electronic message via SWIFT to the receiving institution ( . But the receiving institution is unable to read and receive SWIFT messages but only possibly telegram messages. So this means your money is gone forever, until one day the receiving institution decides to endorse SWIFT messages as well. 

This means during this period your money is gone forever unless they decided to be able to receive or process this network. OR they being willing to manually retrieve them for you (Highly unlikely).  So, just make sure before you transfer anything out double-check and always double-check to ensure you are sending to the 1) correct wallet address + 2) Using the correct network. 

Luckily for me, started endorsing the BSC network and I got back my SHIBA coin. YAY. 

Date Published: 07.11.2021  Follow me @ my Instagram Ah__bird 📷 



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